Deterrence of pedestrian access

The RMS have identified pedestrian safety improvements are required outside Pacific Square Maroubra shopping centre. They have proposed:

  • a new 40‑metre pedestrian safety fence outside the entrance to Pacific Square shopping centre (in addition to the existing 40m fence)
  • deterring pedestrian access across the northbound carriageway from the Anzac Parade median car park

WalkSydney applaud the RMS for investigating pedestrian safety measures for Maroubra Junction.

However, we believe there are better safety initiatives that can be implemented to reduce this pedestrian risk more effectively.

  1. Maroubra Junction is a Place and needs to be planned appropriately, not just as a road space.
  2. Punitive measures will only move the issue further down the street.  Better pedestrian facilities to facilitate easier walking will improve safety.  This includes:
    1. Lowered speed limit to 40km/hr and/or nominating the area as a High Pedestrian Activity Area
    2. Improved intersection design including upgrade of the signal phasing to provide priority for pedestrians
    3. Improved surrounding footpath surface, width and amenity

Due to the current lack of safe and easy provision supporting walking around Maroubra Junction, we encourage the RMS to decrease the road speed in this densely populated area, as well as look at improving the surrounding pedestrian facilities to facilitate safer movement, instead of the proposed deterrence initiatives that do not directly address the issues.

Our submission can be downloaded below.

The RMS wants to hear your feedback. You can send an email to the project manager, Ben Borger – – or telephone 0429 127 648 by Mon 5 Aug 2019.